I see you.
With today being what it is, I couldn't resist the opportunity to say something about the impact of Martin Luther King. I'm really inspired today because I happened to look at the calendar and realize it's been nearly 50 years since he died. Shot down for his beliefs.
You would think in 50 years we had made some significant progress. Alas, no. We still see people according to skin color, gender, sexual orientation. Rather than look inward at the character and the integrity of a person, we take the easy way out. Why spend time getting to know someone and what they stand for, when we can take a simple glance and say, "Oh, he's black." "She's a woman."
That is tragic. Rather than spend a little time getting to know a person, we'll rely on a stereotype. If you think I'm painting with a broad brushstroke, take a look at the news and all the racially-charged violence we still see and gender inequalitites that exist across the globe. It's hard to believe it's 2015 sometimes.
One of my favorite King's quotes is the one about " ... hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that." But another hit me today and was appropriate for my thought's today.
"I have decide to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear."
Know someone who is always angry? Maybe hate is too strong a word, but think about people in your life who are always negative. The world is out to get them, it's always somebody else's fault. They're eaten up with it.
Give up that burden. Let it go. It only drags you down in the end, and anyone you can take with you.
On a day like today, why don't we all decide to take a stand. Rather than take the quick and easy route and reach for a violent solution, why don't we spend a little time getting to the bottom of life's challenges and work on a peaceful solution. See people for what they are inside and their character.
King also said the ultimate measure of a person is not where we stand in times of comfort and convenience, but where we stand in times of challenge and controversy.
Personally, I'm tired of issues like racism and gender inequality, people are people. Good or bad. The measure of your worth is in your heart, not on the surface. If King came back today to see where we were, I'd be embarrassed.
I am here.
Monday, January 19, 2015
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